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Scriptable Bluetooth Smart Energy tool

A professional utility to examine and control Bluetooth Low Energy devices.

Apart from standard features BLE Spy has some unique capabilities in particular for developers.

Standard Features

  • Find all Bluetooth Low Energy devices around you
  • Sort devices by name or rssi
  • Connect to multiple peripherals at the same time
  • Browse services and characteristics
  • Read and write characteristic values
  • Register for Notifications, log data and export to CSV

Smart Features

  • Replace vendor specific UUIDs with a descriptive name
  • Add a description for characteristics
  • Format characteristic data with JavaScript

BLE Spy requires iOS 11 and iPhone 5S or later

Discover and connect your Bluetooth Low Energy devices

Explore services and characteristics

Assign a name and description to each UUID

Read, write and listen for notifications

Format characteristic data with JavaScript

Create a meaningful representation of characteristic data